Friday, August 6, 2010


I am THRILLED to announce that we finally received a referral for a baby boy! Dawit is between 3-4 months old, since he was abandoned they do not have an exact age. He is absolutely beautiful and we are in love already! We officially accepted the referral today and now begin the wait for a court date. The bad news is that the Ethiopian courts have closed down, beginning today for their rainy season and will not open up again until the end of September. We will be among the first cases to be submitted once they do open up so we are hoping to be traveling for court sometime in October if all goes well. If we pass court the first time then we will have to apply for an embassy date which we were told can take 6 - 8 wks. It is on this second trip for our embassy appointment that we can finally bring our son home.
We have decided to give him the name Micah and keep Dawit as his middle name. At this point we are not allowed to post pictures of him on the internet. Once we pass court he is legally ours, and then I can share him with all of you! Please pray for his protection and that we can bring him home as soon as possible.


  1. Congratulations! Very very very exciting!

  2. Yay Melissa!!! =) I am soooo happy to finally see the boy list moving again! Micah Dawit is cute cute cute =) Hoping that we will be getting a call very soon.....maybe we will end up traveling around the same time?? That would be wonderful!

  3. Congratulations on the referral. We can't wait to see the journey unfold.

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